I really enjoyed the guest speakers on tuesday. It is always more interesting to hear about a culture from someone who has actually experienced it rather than a fiction book about the culture. The thing that intrigued me the most was about the head scarf. One of them was wearing one and the other was not. This interested me because it shows that they both have different ideas about the idea behind the head scarf. With the same basic meaning of the head scarf meaning modesty and respect.. they clearly both had different ideas of wether to wear it or not. This just exemplified how diverse the culture actually is and how many choices the woman actually are given. I found a website talking more about headscarfs and found this stat which shocked me.. 270,000 of 677,000 students expelled from post secondary institutions were "victims of the ban". "The ban" is that woman in secondary institutions are not allowed to wear head scarves. This AMAZED me.. intelligent woman trying to get an education being expelled because of an article of clothing that they are wearing. I just feel as though the head scarf almost is only worn because of respect and rebellion. It is very common when one is told not to do something , they turn around and do it even more. I get this image from the head scarf. The woman are told not to, so they turn around and prove that they still can. I really enjoyed that Gulnar kept repeating that her husband does not make her do anything such as work, go to school or wear the head scarf. She emphasized that it was her choice and that her husband was not one of those men whom controlled their wifes life.
Its interesting to look at to look at how an entire country can ban headscarves. Recently France just did this to maintain its tradition of separation of religion and state. An entire country! Not just certain places.