Sunday, November 1, 2009

Honour Killings in Turkey

Learning about these honour killings was something TRUELY new to me! I had NO idea this kind of thing was actually happening. the most disturbing part of it to me was that i was only for women. Saying only women can screw up and dishonor a family?? Even when a girl is raped, it somehow becomes her fault.. like she asked for it, and the man who did it to her gets off free as if he did nothing wrong. That disgusts me!!! The system just seems so crooked to me! I found a story about a turkish woman who wanted to divorce her husband so she went to her parents house but he parents told her "a married woman can only leave her husband in a coffin." She then "killed herself" later on. It was declared a suicide however many people of the city believe it was an honor killing. Another story resembling the same thing. A 17 year old was actually told to kill herself through a text message from her uncle saying, "you have blackened our name, kill yourself and clean our shame or we will kill you first"this all happened because she liked a boy from school she had met. Atleast they are trying to do something about it.. In cities and towns with the hightest suicide ratings officials are working with advocacy groups to help endangered woman and girls. There are many turkish woman organizations that are there to help woman and girls before these killings have to happen. Woman just need to be educated to the point they realize the only choice is not to kill themself, they can get out of this. I was just disgusted by this movie and the extra research i did. It really makes me thankful that I do not live in Turkey..


  1. i really liked your post!! i totaly agree with you in that the system is way wrong. And why is it that the women are the only ones to bring dishonor to their family??? It makes me so mad that even if a women is raped she is the one to bring dishonor...what did she do, she is the victome.. MEN!! Great job on your post!!

  2. Wow that link with the story about the mother telling her daughter the only way to leave your husband is in a coffin,that is outrageous, i really wish we would have devoted more time to this subject
