Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Paradise Now: Suicide bombing

This movie was eye opening and sad at the same time. It was eye opening because it truely gave us the entire side to a suicide bombers life. This man was leading a normal life. Working to make money, taking care of his family, and meeting girls. Until one day he is "chosen" to carry out a suicide bombing mission. Are they chosen at birth? Is there a waiting list for who becomes a suicide bomber? Are they actually given a choice? This would be the last thing I wanted to do.. why would anyone else carry out something like this?? It was also a sad story because it gives memories of 9/11 which was carried out by two suicide bombers. I have read about suicide bombing and have been informed (plus the movie showed me) that suicide bombing is for ones religion and pride for themselves and their country or city. Some more information I discovered came from an article about What makes a suicide bomber tick. Which tells us that 64% are between the ages 18-23!!! Such a young group to be suicide bombing.. do they even know what they are fighting for? Majority probably don't even know the true reason behind the war. They are simply told by their fathers that suicide bombing is an honor to their country. In that same Article, a father talks about his son who was a suicide bomber at the age of 22. He tells the reporter that he is proud of his son and he hopes all the boys in his country would do the same. How can a father want their child to be a suicide bomber?! Another thing that sparked my interested/disgust was a video titled 14 year old suicide bomber. This is unbeleivable to me.. at 14 all I cared about was friends, make up and homework. I cannot imagine being asked to be a suicide bomber... these kids can't know the meaning behind why they are doing such horrible things. It must simply be because of their fathers telling them how honorable suicide bombing is. This disgusts me! In the end, a man asks the boy why he has done it and he tells him because of the people then when he is asked again he tells him because of paradise. I will never understand Suicide bombing as long as I am alive.

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