Thursday, September 24, 2009

Not Just the Typical Terrorist

My group is reading, watching and researching about Middle Easterners living in the United States. This can be a senstive subject to some because of the experiences they have gone through here in America as peoples of middle eastern descent. I read an extremely disturbing article today written by an Iranian living in Southern California. He begins talking about how he is just as disgusted and angry at the terrorist that killed so many people in the twin towers. He talks of how it was completely unacceptable and that he too is at war against these terrorist. In conclusion.."He is on our side!!!" A few days after 9/11 the Iranian living in America tries to go out for a piece of pizza in Southern California. He was met there by two angry men that in every sense are just as much terrorist as the men who drove the plane into the twin towers. It did not escalate far enough, but I am sure these two men would have killed this poor Iranian if no one had stepped in and stopped these men. Those Americans killing the Iranian would be taking a man from his family, just as those men did to so many families on September 11, 2001. After this happened to the Iranian he was scared to leave his house every day after that. Is this what America has come to? Frightening anyone who doesn't look like the "typical" American to stay in their house? I thought this was called "Land of the Free", not "Land of the Free for only those who are typical looking white men." The Iranian got lucky.. there was a less fortunate Sikh wearing a turban that was shot and killed a few days after the 9/11 attack. This poor man, clearly not the terrorist himself or he would have died in the twin towers, was targeted as if he was the one who killed the 3,000 people that were in the plane, twin towers, and surrounding areas that day.
I also stumbled upon a movie that is currently being made called Arab! in America! about a young man who is trying to go back to his home state in America and get a new job. He has many troubles along the way. Thie movie is somewhat making fun of the situation but I feel as though it will show Americans how silly some of their allegations are about many Arabs. Many Americans make a big deal out of something tiny like an Arab having a razor.. as if he is going to kill multiple people with a single facial razor. The movie is made into a comedy but has a major lesson in it.
We really need to realize that some of us are terrorist ourselves by the way we act around arab Americans. This label is no different from a white American or African American. Most Arabs have even lived in America longer than you and I have.


  1. Thats our "survival" instinct making a crap assumption based on the visually similar. It's a shame because humans are so little of what they have on the outside. We don't have bright colors or claws or anything dangerous visually to tip someone off that we are a threat. We are the psychological predators, and because of that you just can't rely on one of our strongest assets, our eyesight. That's what my argument was about when I was saying stereotypes are less of a survival tool and more of an inhibitor. At one time it may have been an asset, but not anymore.

  2. The terrorists that flew the planes into the World Trade Center were from Saudi Arabia, and speak Arabic. Iran is not only a different country, but they speak a different language. Sikhs are from India and not only speak a different language than Arabic, but they are a different religion all together. This kind of ignorance is why what we are doing in this class is so important!
