Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Blood and Oil

I learned alot from this movie! And I know this is supposed to be about oil but did you know woman aren't allowed to get medical attention without a male relative present??? That disgusts me! What happens if a woman needs immediate medical attention and her male relative isn't there?? Do they turn her away?!!!
There are many things that I learned in this movie that baffle me. Saudi didn't want U.S. troops to be there guarding them because they were non believers. They didn't want this many non- believers in their country. I think thats crazy because they are turning down protection from others just because of too many people who don't beleive what they believe. I respect their holy grounds and I am sure our soldiers did as well, how can they think we were going to lesson their holy lands just by being in the country.
I also find it crazy that the main reason of the 9/11 attacks was oil. It seems like something so simple as oil should not be causing wars throughout our world. However it is such a widespread necesscity that it has brought us to actually begin wars over it. In the movie there is a soldier that tells the camera crew he was sent to guard the old refinery. Are we sending our men over there to guard potential oil or to find peace in the middle east?? The government has been trying to say this is not why we are fighting in the Middle East, that we are fighting for peace in the middle east but then they command our military men to risk their lives guarding an oil refinery.

1 comment:

  1. The medical thing shocked me aswell, especially because she could bring even her son if she needed medical treatment that badly. It is almost like the men walk their women like dogs.
