Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Woman I left behind by Kim Jensen

I am currently reading "The Woman I Left Behind" by Kim Jensen and I am beginning to love the book. It is very intense!! It is a mixture between facts and passion. The story begins telling of stories of two completely different people and their back grounds, where they came from, their beliefs etc. It then tells the whole story from how they met to how in love they have become. I really enjoy this book because of the poetry. Both main characters are extremely into the arts, poetry, music and literature. They speak in poetry when they are speaking to eachother about the love they share and it really makes you feel like you know exactly how they feel. The way the author has them explain things makes you feel as if you are watching this happen in your mind. The main character, Khalid,a young activist and a palastinian from Beirut. He came to America through a green card marriage, when times began to get tough in Beirut. Green card marriages are actually extremely common at around 450,000 green card marriages a year, with a large majority being simple green card marriages, and only a few being real lovers wanting to live in America. Khalid's first few years of living in America he lives with his green card wife. However he does not love her, she is merely a green card wife and that is all. When he meets Irene at an anti-Apartheid rally, also a young activist from America, they fall in love and he immediatley stops talking to his "greencard wife". The two of them are so in love they spend every waking moment together, reading poetry to eachother, telling each other stories about their past and argueing about their beliefs. They are both extremely outspoken. Throughtout the whole beginning of the book Khalid keeps bringing up a thing called a mijwiz which belongs to palestinian folklore, which signals a time for rejoicing! When someone begins to play the mijwiz everyone around begins to dance. He repeats over and over how much he misses the sound of the mijwiz. Click here to hear the sound of the Mijwiz. The story gets very indepth about Irene and Khalids love by using poetry. He also speaks arabic throughout the book, saying meaningful sayings and what they mean from arabic to english. I am excited to keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. Terrific post! Nice comments on the book, great image, and I really enjoyed learning about and listening to the mijwiz. A pleasure learning from you!
