Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Beirut, Lebanon

The main character in the book I am reading is from Beirut. I don't know that much about Beirut besides where it is, so I decided to do some research. Beirut is the capital and largest city in Lebanon. It has a populationof over 2.1 million people. Beirut holds the middle east's largest and main seaport along the meditteranean sea, because of its depth and location allows it to host the largest mother ships. First word of this city was during the 14th century and has been inhabited ever since. Beirut is well known for its press, theatres, cultural activities, and night life! Beirut was named the NUMBER ONE place to visit in 2009 in the New York times. After the collapse of the Ottoman empire, Beirut was placed under french mandate and then achieved independence in 1943. In 1975 the lebanese civil war broke out and was divided by the muslim west part and the christian east part. Lebanon then had 2 more wars after that which took a large tole on the city. Soon after they began rebuilding and have worked them back up to the status they were at before the wars. Beirut has held the Miss Europe Pageant 8 times. In 2005 Lebanon's former prime minister Rafik Hariri was assassinated in Beirut. This scared the city. Beirut has a meditterranean climate with hot and rain free summers, pleasant fall and spring, and cool rainy winters. Snow rarely ever falls and if it does it does not stick. Beirut is the most religiously diverse city in Lebanon and possibly in the entire Middle East, there are 9 major religious communities in Beirut, Sunni Muslim, Shiite Muslim, Druze, Maronite Catholic, Greek Orthodox, Greek Catholic, Armenian Orthodox, Armenian Catholic, and Protestant. The economy in Beirut is doing very well, and their tourists are helping it thrive even more. Beirut is extremely inhabited and has many intersting features. Their culture, transport, sports, and entertainment is expanding quickly.


  1. Wow... those are some neat facts about Beirut! Number one place to travel? Cool! And I had no idea that they hosted something like the Miss Europe Pageant!

  2. What a good idea to do this kind of research based on your reading. How would you connect the book you are reading to what you learned in your research?
