Sunday, October 11, 2009

The Road to Love

Sorry for this post taking so long I have been extremely sick..

My thoughts and feelings on the movie are extremely mixed. I did not enjoy the actual making of the movie. The lighting was terrible and reading the subtitles just got annoying. I was not able to fully enjoy the movie because I was reading the subtitles the whole time. I also thought the movie was a innappropriate during most parts. The man pushing himself on karim in this movie was considered to be just a man in love. However when a man pushes himself on a woman it is looked down upon. I feel as though the man was inappropriate with trying to turn Karim gay. I also think it was inappropriate when the naked guy was giving Karim a back massage and kept moving in closer... This movie was extremely controversal and a little offensive.

On the other hand, even though I may be against homosexuality I would never wish death upon anyone that has chosen this as their lifestyle. the Middle East is extremely closeminded to their homosexual population and actually gives the death penalty or jail time. This video shows that the people who do beleive in homosexuality are getting the respect that they deserve to be allowed to date men and women no matter what sex you are. A news article I found explains that it is becoming even more and more common in the Middle East. However it also talks about their population decreasing because of the growing number of stds and the decreasing number of reproduction. I am all for people achieving what they beleive in.. the homosexual community becoming more known and visible in the Middle East is a huge accomplishment for them. I am happy for them that they are beginning to get the respect they deserve. I beleive they should keep fighting for equality but like America this is going to take a long time.

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