Monday, September 14, 2009

Reel Bad Arabs

What shocked me the most about the video "reel bad arabs" was the part about Aladdin. I was shocked about the other movies but those were atleast for adults, whom are old enough to establish their own thoughts and opinions. However, Aladdin is for young minds who are not yet old enough to make their own thoughts and opinions. This movie is molding young minds to be stereotypic of the Arabs. I have seen that movie a dozen times and I beleive it molded my mind to have that stereotype about "arabland" and the barbaricness of the arabs. Before watching this video clip I never realized how I too stereotyped all Arabs to be just as those in Aladdin. The other thing that almost imbarrased me, was when the news was talking about the oklahoma bombing and they said the bombing had terrorist like characteristics because it was aiming to kill alot of people. When the bombing turned out to be a white male, this imbarrased me because America so quickly jumped to the conclusion that it was a terrorist attack when in fact it was one of our own people. This disgraces America.

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